
Mountain Scramble to the Tree of Peace

Having been told about a spiritual energy point, high above the house here, we decided to go exploring. Scrambling up a steep, muddy mountainside attached to the end of a ridiculously excited dog is not easy. I seemed to spend most of my time on my knees or bottom but still, the view is breathtaking! On the way to find the energy point we passed several small trees looking eerily out of place, small and bushlike they still had their autumn leaves fixed fast to their branches. All the other trees are bare of old leaves with new buds coming through. Distracted as I was by this sight, I continued to be dragged by an enthusiastic dog until we reached the topmost point of this bit of the mountain. We found here, the most amazing tree ever!! We have called him the Tree of Peace, I do not know what sort of tree he is other than big, beautiful and strong. His trunk is covered in soft green moss which when you hug him tickles your face gently like a carpet. We sat for a while in this most peaceful of places and took in the view and our surroundings. Wild flowers bursting into life and buzzards gliding silently below us. The air was very still yet suddenly there was a rustling noise from the direction we had just walked. A small breeze, in a very tiny area had blown up and was removing some of the leaves from the trees we had passed. The very leaves I had been looking at and wondering why they were still attached begin to blow free and around in circles until carried away over the brow of the hill. Sliding back down the mountain was easy in comparison to going up although once again, I spent most of it on my bottom. Very tired, I decided to have an early night but was then woken at 2am and had to get up to write this message. A reminder that storms are needed in nature but also in our lives, blowing out the old to make way for the new.

Everything has a season and a connection with the rhythm of nature. A time for ebb, a time for flow, the moon brings the darkness and the sunshine brings the light. Without one, there cannot be the other.

It is all about balance and that brings a harmony if you can look beneath the harsher climate you may face. Harmony comes after the storm when the wind has raged and shouted and blown away all that is no longer needed. The old energy of thoughts, beliefs, old patterns and ways of being is something to be lifted by the winds and carried away by the storms so that when the sunshine and calmer skies return the harmony and balance is restored to what it should be as opposed to a build up of energies that should no longer remain. Like the old leaves on the tree that were shown, old dead energy remains stuck on the branches until harsh elements come along to force the old energy to leave and bring a fresh element to the tree allowing the new growth to come through. New energy, new beliefs and thought patterns can then begin to bud and to blossom freely without the hinderance of the old leaves in place.

Every season has a beginning and end so no “thing” remains in a state of permanence, this is impossible! The sun cannot stay out all of the time just as the moon cannot keep things in darkness eternally. Know that this is the way of all things and nature is the only truth that is here for you to physically witness. A deep connection with nature brings the tangible proof of what is spoken, it says all of these things without words if you take a moment to feel the rhythms that nature brings.

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